USE: Stoneware, porcelain and ceramics, artificial brick, the cement products, wooden, plastic the etc. 用途:各种石材、陶瓷、人造石、水泥制品、硬塑料制品的粘结;
Put cutting onto porcelain and drop liquid of phenolphthalein on it, if the color turn into red, that means there is cement in the cutting. 把岩屑放到磁盘上,滴酚酞溶液,如果颜色变红,说明岩屑里有水泥。
The nonmetal material, such as freestone, brick, porcelain and ceramics, products, the lime, cement, concrete products, glass, mineral cotton; 非金属材料如砂石、砖瓦、陶瓷制品、石灰、水泥、混凝土制品、玻璃、矿物棉;
Research and application of the porcelain building coating for the cement decorative plate 水泥装饰板材瓷性建筑涂料研究与应用
Metal porcelain crowns were made, following completion of cement cast post cores and impression. 粘固铸造好的核桩,取印模,制作金属烤瓷全冠。